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Naturally Fractured Reservoir Analogs in the Field
The carbonates of Arrow Canyon, Southern Nevada
Recap/Preview (8:47)
Interactive Google Maps for All Stops
Stop 1: Intro to Arrow Canyon – Large Scale Geological Setting
Index Scene of Stop 1 (26:10)
Detail A: Joint character in layered carbonates (3:02)
Detail B: Joint sets, mechanical layers (3:48)
Stop 2: View of Large-Scale Anticline Structure
Index Scene of Stop 2 (7:02)
Detail A: Crest of Arrow Canyon Anticline (0:57)
Stop 3: Leading Synclinal Hinge of Large Anticline
Index Scene of Stop 3 (6:27)
Detail A: Local deformation in synclinal hinge (16:21)
Detail B: Long view of syncline towards north (2:11)
Stop 4: Comparison of Fractures in Limestone and in Chert
Index Scene of Stop 4 (10:32)
Detail A: Chert Occurrence and Origin (7:46)
Stop 5: General Character of Joints, Seen in Pavements and Cross Section Views
Index Scene of Stop 5 (14:20)
Detail A: Relative Age of Fractures, and Small Fold (7:15)
Detail B: Recumbent Fold (2:27)
Stop 6: Mississippian-Pennsylvanian Contact
Index Scene of Stop 6 (7:26)
Detail A: Ridge Containing Miss/Penn Contact
Stop 7: Reservoir Properties of Fracture System
Index Scene of Stop 7 (7:24)
Detail A: Relative Age of Joints (2:46)
Stop 8: Roots & Faults in Battleship Wash Formation
Index Scene of Stop 8 (12:51)
Detail A: Photo - Stygmaria Root
Detail B: Photo - Small Graben
Detail C: Photo - Sigmoidal Tension Gashes
Stop 9: The Narrows, A Slot Canyon
Index Scene of Stop 9 (7:29)
Detail A: Solution-enlargement of Small Fractures (3:20)
Stop 10: Thrust Structure Fracture Features
Index Scene of Stop 10 (13:38)
Detail A: Duplex structure
Detail B: Low-angle Hanging Wall Cutoff of Strata
Stop 11: Solution-enlarged Fault
Index Scene of Stop 11
Detail A: Solution-enlarged Fault, North Side
Detail B: Solution-enlarged Fault, South Side
Stop 12: Paleocaverns
Index Scene of Stop 12 (11:18)
Detail A: Fracture with Solution Enlargement and Collapse Breccia Fill
Detail B: Solution-collapse Breccia
Detail C: Gradation from Intact Wall to Breccia with Calcite Cement
Detail D: Large Scale Juxtaposition between Intact Wall Rock and Paleocavern
Detail E: Paleocavern
Stop 13: Large Paleocavern
Index Scene of Stop 13 (7:33)
Detail A (0:42)
Detail B (0:55)
Detail C (2:20)
Detail D (0:18)
Recap/Cap (8:47)
Detail A: Local deformation in synclinal hinge
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