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  Stop 3. Brushy Canyon Turbidites

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- [Ali] You're looking at a close up view of El Capitan. This is what you saw in the overview video, we had that encircled as a rim, and right underneath the platform, you see these brown sandstones. This is what people have called The Salt Flat Bench and those brown sandstones have two different interpretations. Some people interpret those as levees of a deepwater channel levee system that were sitting on a slope. The other interpretation is that these happen to be a slump scar. Now, we're looking at The Brushy Canyon Formation and pretty much every sand body that you see on the hillside is associated with a deepwater channel. This is the best studied deepwater succession in the world and there's another great example of a deepwater channel on the hillside. What I really like about this outcrop is that it is seismic scale and every channel body, every sand body that you see sticking out is a channel like that one right there. These outcrops have been applied as analogs for deepwater fields across the globe just because of their spectacular exposures. And what you're seeing here are amalgamated high-density turbidites if you focus on this part you see a series of thick tabular beds and there are some shields that are separating them. But, as I start moving the camera towards the left, you'll notice how those, a lot of those shields disappear because we're moving from the margins of a channel towards the channel access. In the lower part of the section you see that it's a lot more heterolithic. It's heterolithic because those happen to be low density turbidites. You can see that irregular, bedding that you see, angulation that was from low density turbidites being deposited on the slope and everything slowly creeping down. And here's the channel, you can see those low density turbidites, the shield rich interval truncating against that channel. Now, those low density turbidites either represent deposition in the lower part of a channel or they could represent deposition along the margins of another laterally offset channel. This is what makes The Brushy Canyon one of the top deepwater successions in the world and a fantastic analog.