Thermal Maturity-Adjusted Log Interpretation in Organic Shales
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SPWLA Distinguished Speaker Series: 2019-2020. The petrophysical interpretation of downhole logs requires knowledge of accurate matrix properties. In organic-rich mudrocks (shale), the presence of abundant kerogen (solid, insoluble organic matter) has a particularly large and variable impact on matrix properties. Matrix properties are highly sensitive to kerogen properties because kerogen is compositionally distinct from minerals that comprise the remainder of the matrix. In practice, kerogen properties must be accurately known to separate tool responses to kerogen (in the matrix volume) and fluids (in the pore volume), to arrive at accurate volumetric interpretations. Unfortunately, relevant petrophysical properties of kerogen are nearly always unknown in the formation of interest, and otherwise impractical or impossible to measure.
Your Instructor
Paul Craddock is a geochemist and Senior Research Scientist in the Applied Math & Data Analytics Department at Schlumberger-Doll Research Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts. His research provides solutions for reservoir characterization using nuclear, X-ray, and infrared spectroscopy methods, such as to derive saturation in low-resistivity pay in conventional reservoirs using nuclear spectroscopy; identify favorable pay for well placement and production in unconventional resources (“RPI”); integrate cuttings and logs for enhanced petrophysics in shale (“DRIFTS”); and optimize kerogen endpoints for global shale interpretations (“TMALI”). Paul received a PhD in chemical oceanography from Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in 2009 and has co-authored more than 40 technical journal and conference publications. Paul is twice a SPWLA Distinguished Speaker and his paper “Thermal maturity-adjusted log interpretation (TMALI) in organic shales” was awarded Best Oral Presentation at the 2019 SPWLA 60 th Annual Logging Symposium.