1. Where a degree in geoscience can lead you

- Welcome everyone. I, wish I could see you all, but, that is not the case this year. I am up to talk to you about dominating a successful career, and before we go that there, I would like to just acknowledge the SEG and SEG foundation, as well as shell, for putting this lecture together. If you don't know much about SEG, we are a global society, with around 12,000 members. There are well over 300 student chapters, and if you don't have one at your school, please come to the STG website and find out how to start one. There're lots of benefits to join... of joining SEG. You can read some of them here, like the leading edge, all our books are library, network opportunities, webinars. And, well also an example on how you can get leadership opportunities, by being part of SEG. So please join if you, If you haven't already done so. Students are clearly, key priority for the STG. We offer scholarships, field camp opportunities, and travel grants. We also offer, humanitarian grants through our geo-scientists for our borders program. And we invite students to perform and submit, multidisciplinary team for our experiential, program evolved. So go to the SDG website, and explore all the things we have for students as well as other members. A successful career, means very different things to different people. For me, it has always meant being able to balance two interesting career in geophysics and family, and some time to enjoy life. You have to figure out, what it means to you. And please understand that, what I will share today are my views, that are not necessarily, shared by everyone. Primarily I would like for you to think about, what I have done, and how you might do differently or what might fit better for you. Applied on my talk, I'm going to talk about what influenced my path, where a degree in geoscience can lead you, what you ought to focus on as a student, for your first job and early career. And then I'm going to shift and talk about the Energy transition, and what it is, what's driving it, and how it's changing the whole energy industry. I will share, where you can learn more about the energy transition and the new applications, that are becoming more and more interesting in this arena. And then give you some final advice. So things that influenced my path, my journey, my geophysics journey, I did not know that I would become a geophysicist from the start. No one was a scientist in my family, and, I didn't really have any role models as scientists. But, there were a number of things, that influenced my path in this direction. First, I was born in the US to Swedish parents, And even though we went back to Sweden, when I was just a small baby, it meant that I had dual citizenship from the start. And that actually really helped me, as I didn't need a visa to enter the United States or work in United States, later on when I had opportunities to do so. Being raised in Sweden, also influenced my path. Sweden has promoted equal opportunity for many, many years, and that means that girls and boys are treated the same way. And if you're a good student, you are strongly encouraged to study the natural sciences, no matter your gender, or, or your background. So that's what I did, starting in middle school. I continued the science route in college, and after the obligatory math and physics courses, I was actually drawn towards oceanography. I applied for a summer job, at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in the US, and during my first summer, I was actually working for a micro-paleontologist, but while working in the micro-paleo lab, I was invited to participate in geophysics expedition to the Cain Fracture Zone in Mid Atlantic Ridge. We deployed, ocean bottom seismometers to determine the thickness of the oceanic crust. This was my first real introduction to geophysics, and yes, I was hooked. And by the way, the ship on this picture is the Atlantis two, which, was my first geo-physical experience as we speak. I continued to come back to Woods Hole every summer, for, until I graduated with a bachelor's from oceanography, from the University of Golf, The Burke. I applied to MIT, and clearly benefited from my network of references from Woods Hole. That, actually made me go to MIT, which was the big thing. I married, met my husband Dan Sean, on the same ship? He's also a geophysicist. And we were on, on geophysics expedition in the Persian Gulf at the time. We got married, and I graduated with my master's from MIT, and we started to look for jobs together. We ended up joining Mobil oil. We wanted to work for the same company, because we wanted to be sent overseas, And we thought that it would be higher likelihood, If we were both with the same company. And, this actually turned out to be true. So takeaway for, for you is, raise your hand and fill out the application. Most things don't happen on their own. The more proactive you are, the better chances you have for an exciting career. So I'm going to give you a brief summary of my career. I'm not going to spend a lot of time on this slide, but I mainly wanted to share, that Dan and I had the opportunity to live and work, in a lot of, in a lot of cases. Dan spent most of his career as a technical expert, while I quickly learned, that I really liked to be a team leader, and want to manage my route. I also liked change, And as you can see, I have an opportunity to work in many different types of, of areas within the energy industry. So what excites you? Well, that's something that you have to figure out. You have to learn when you're happy, to stay where you are, and when you need to change, when you need to move on. So, my advice would be, don't afraid, be afraid to try something new. You'll always learning something. So, where can a degree in geoscience lead you? This is a chart labeled, "Industries of Geoscience Graduates' First Job by Degree Field." It's taken from the student ex.. student exit surveys, from AGI Workforce Program. The left-hand of the graph, indicates students, field of study. And the right hand, the industries where this geoscience students got their first job. I do realize, that there have been a lot of changes, since this time period, 2013 to 17. But what I really like about this chart, it shows you, that there are so many industries, that employ geo-scientists. Geophysics and seismology is in like yellow, and during this time period, you can see that the majority of these students went to oil and gas. We expect to see a shift in, in this, as we move towards the energy transition, where there'll be more opportunities especially, in areas like Environmental Sciences. So will there be jobs when you graduate? Well, I have some data from the US bureau of labor statistics, It's a chart put together by AGI, and it shows the projection of the geo-science workforce, by occupation between 2019 to 2029. So this one is quite new. In summary, the bureau of labor statistics is predicting, close to an average of 5% job, job growth for all geo-scientists. The largest job growth, will be in environmental geo-sciences. You can see on the bars toward the left of the chart, these numbers take into account, loss due to innovation, and things like, machine learning and artificial intelligence. And it also assumes that 27% of the workforce were retired during this time period. So in summary, the US bureau of labor statistics, predict that there will be, opportunities for geo-scientists going forward. So that's good news. The level of your highest degree, influences the type of field and jobs that you will be, that will be able for you. That will be available for you. This is another AGI chart, and it shows where students ended up, based on whether they, received a bachelor's, a master's or a PhD. For most, jobs, you don't need a PhD. You do need it If you want to go into academia, as you all know. But oil and gas companies, have traditionally hired student with a master's in PE, and there are many, many types of jobs, for the bachelors, will supplies. So please think about this, before you start a PhD program. So how would you choose direction, If you assume that there will be opportunities in academia, research and industry? Well, you have to start asking yourself some questions. What are you interested in, and what are you good at? Are you as brilliant as doctors try tell, then, you should definitely go into research. What are your talents and passions? Where do you want to live? Do you want to stay close to home, or maybe the opposite? It's a good thing to think about. And by all means, be realistic and do some research, on where there are job opportunities. Don't go into this completely blind. It's a good thing to get the advice steer this time, the, your academic mentor, would probably be, a very good place to start. They can, they know you and they can guide you, and maybe help you choose the right direction. If you have the opportunity, I highly recommend that you get a mentor outside, of school. If you can't find one on your own, you can choose the mentoring 365 program for example, there're several, geoscience societies I've put together. You just check it out. It's a virtual program, where you match mentors and mentees.
